Wednesday, December 14, 2011
So worth it.
so in case you did not see my post of facebook, I GOT A 100 PERCENT ON MY NEW TESTAMENT FINAL!!!!!!!!!!! and not only is that my first 100 on a final EVER!! but it is also an extreme miracle since the highest i've been able to get on the 4 tests we've taken in that class is an 84 which was really high. The rest i got below a 70. I ended up with a solid B in the class when i had a 78 before the test which made me almost cry when he told me. My new testament class was by far the hardest/best class i've taken at BYUH. Brother Sharp is awesome but his tests are so hard. During the final (which was oral) he stopped me and said he was wasting his time asking me everything because he knew I knew it all...and then gave me a 100. Seriously almost started crying with joy. only have 2 more finals to go. One final drawing for figure drawing to finish by friday and then an english final on thursday. THEN I'M DONE! can't wait to come home. :)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Finals, frustrated, furious, and fudge.
Soooooooo... today I only had one class and today i'm spending most of the day studying for my new testament final which will most likely be my hardest final. I bought a new New Testament book just to mark up with notes and bookmarks to use tomorrow on my oral exam. Not excited.
Then I tried to call Disney again about getting me something that has a start and end date for my college program. a total of about 30 transfers i'm still nowhere near getting one. This wouldn't be a problem if financial aid wasn't so dumb. But i won't go too far into that or it will just upset me.
So I went to check on my ceramics pieces that came out of the kiln. After about an hour of going through things I found all of my pieces making a total of 24. :) Thought i lost my purple tea pot which is my pride and joy but luckily found it in the very back corner. Not all of them turned out how I planned but most of them looked pretty good so I was happy.. until.. I decided to test my two tea pots. I put some water in them to see if the spout would strain the water through. The glaze unfortunately sealed all of the holes shut. I was absolutely crushed and devastated. I worked so hard on those tea pots and I took them to Brother Tolutau to see if he could fix them but he just gave it back to me and said the only use i'll get out of these is on a shelf for decoration. I was not told at all that I was suppose to wipe the glaze off near the holes, or make the holes bigger, or basically do everything opposite of what I did. Apparently I was suppose to know this. I want to cry i'm so upset. And then I ate almost half of the rest of my fudge that I bought a while ago. And now I have to study more for New Testament and pray I get at least a B in that class. Here's a picture of my collection. at least everything else is usable.
Then I tried to call Disney again about getting me something that has a start and end date for my college program. a total of about 30 transfers i'm still nowhere near getting one. This wouldn't be a problem if financial aid wasn't so dumb. But i won't go too far into that or it will just upset me.
So I went to check on my ceramics pieces that came out of the kiln. After about an hour of going through things I found all of my pieces making a total of 24. :) Thought i lost my purple tea pot which is my pride and joy but luckily found it in the very back corner. Not all of them turned out how I planned but most of them looked pretty good so I was happy.. until.. I decided to test my two tea pots. I put some water in them to see if the spout would strain the water through. The glaze unfortunately sealed all of the holes shut. I was absolutely crushed and devastated. I worked so hard on those tea pots and I took them to Brother Tolutau to see if he could fix them but he just gave it back to me and said the only use i'll get out of these is on a shelf for decoration. I was not told at all that I was suppose to wipe the glaze off near the holes, or make the holes bigger, or basically do everything opposite of what I did. Apparently I was suppose to know this. I want to cry i'm so upset. And then I ate almost half of the rest of my fudge that I bought a while ago. And now I have to study more for New Testament and pray I get at least a B in that class. Here's a picture of my collection. at least everything else is usable.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Well, that plan kinda failed..
Sooooooooo remember a few posts ago when i was going to do a picture a day..yeah that was a bust. The end of the semester is way too busy and have too much to do to have a fun art project everyday... but good news: I'll be 20 in less than two hours! Listening to the Tangled soundtrack currently and today was overall a successful day. Glazed most of my pieces in Ceramics, got 3 extra points added to my New Testament test on Luke, went to work and mostly just helped Brother Truscott open all the books from his advanced design class (way cool! I love having insight to what i'll be doing in the next year or so), watched Jen my Disney roommate open her christmas DVD I made her (priceless), went home and watched an amazing episode of castle, bought myself some Coffee and Heath bar Ben and Jerry's ice cream and then watched Morning Glory which was shockingly really good. I don't know why i'm even blogging like this, usually I just put up pictures.. don't like writing things down. debating watching Tangled or just go to bed..well i'm not tired yet so i'll watch it. Yes, I just made a very important decision while blogging.. extremely epic i know.. Also, thank goodness for spell check. I've spelled so many things wrong while writing this. hehe now you'll never know which ones though ;) Well i'm off for the night. Peace
ps. just got a bunch of Disney Music to put on my ipod and guess what song just came on my ipod? Davey Crockett. yeah thats right. And if you don't know who that is then pardon me but please educate yourself while listening to his theme song.
-Jaime <3
ps. just got a bunch of Disney Music to put on my ipod and guess what song just came on my ipod? Davey Crockett. yeah thats right. And if you don't know who that is then pardon me but please educate yourself while listening to his theme song.
-Jaime <3
Sunday, December 4, 2011
UH vs BYU game!
So Nichole and I got the amazing opportunity to go to the football game against UH and BYU provo! here are some pics from the game! enjoy!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Day 2: Favorite Animal
My favorite animal is probably an elephant. I guess its because they "always remember" and i envy that because i'm a very forgetful person. But also I just think they are amazing creatures and its on my bucket list to ride one. I love watching them on discovery channel and animal plannet and what not and they are just my favorite. :)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Day 1: Yourself
It doesn't exactly look at me but then again, when does it ever? but its probably the best self portrait i've ever done thanks to Brother Merril in my figure drawing class. :)
So apparently i'm a good hand model?
So our assignment in figure drawing is to draw two hands. one holding something and one relaxed by friday and my friend Marcus and I took pictures of my hand yesterday and apparently I my hands look like dead Snow White? haha we started taking them and when we got to the relaxed pose the pose looked so much like dead Snow White after she ate the apple that we decided to take a picture with me holding an apple and then me dead. lol here's what we came up with:
ps. here is a video that makes me smile about one of the most successful models in the industry. Sooooo funny
30 Day Challenge!
This December I want to do this 30 day drawing challenge i found on pinterest. Also I am doing a Facebook fast till christmas to help me focus on it and i'm also going to buy some yoga classes this month so i can be in shape mentally and physically for finals. :) here's the list i must go through before the month ends.. For my friends who are reading this, if you want to send me reminder texts go ahead because I know i'll be bad at this but I really want to do it. Here is the list also I might change some of these because some of them are lame but this is the main idea:
Monday, November 28, 2011
So my thanksgiving weekend might have been the best thanksgiving weekend i've every had. Thursday morning I wake up and head over to 19th ward's thanksgiving breakfast! We had waffles, eggs, sausages, hash browns, and the most amazing homemade coconut syrup that Bishop Tueller's wife made for us. Our ward mentors, brother and sister Allen, were walking around cracking the most hilarious jokes that my cheeks were sore after breakfast. Brother Allen came up to Nichole and I and showed us the apron his grandchildren made for him. It had hand prints of all the kids on the apron except one was a baby foot. He said sadly, "yeah, this little one was born without hands so he had to use his foot..." and as me and nichole were saying "Awwww" together he bursted out laughing and said his was totally kidding.. i almost cried laughing because it was so sick of a joke and was the funniest thing i've ever heard an old man say.
Then after breakfast i went home to make a pumpkin pie while watching That 70's Show. It was the first time i've every had to make a pumpkin pie AND I had to attempt it in a toaster oven. The crust kept burning and the middle never cooked all the way but it sure tasted good. I was making it to take to Brother Sharps house for dinner. Then after the pie Nichole came home from her aunt and uncle's ward and We Skyped my family who was with the Henderson's and Himle's and that was a lot of fun :) here's the picture of the pumpkin pie...dang crust..:
The rest of the Day:
Nichole and I head over to Brother Sharp's house around 3 pm. We get there and there are about 40 people there total at the party. (New Testament professor) Brother Sharp and his family, (Figure drawing professor) Brother Merril and his family, and a variety of kids from Brother Sharp's religion classes. There was Beatles rockband set up, little kids playing in the fron yard and everyone cooking and getting ready in the house. Here is a video of Nichole running around fighting/playing with Brother Sharp and Brother Merril's Kids:
I played Brother Sharp on expert on Beatles Rock Band. We played "While my Guitar Gently Weeps" and he totally whoooped my butt...but i did pretty good for haven't playing in like 2 years. Dinner started at 4 pm and we came in and saw that we all had our names on our plates scattered around the room. The Food was truly amazing! here is a picture of my first helping of food with my name on it :)
So my thanksgiving weekend might have been the best thanksgiving weekend i've every had. Thursday morning I wake up and head over to 19th ward's thanksgiving breakfast! We had waffles, eggs, sausages, hash browns, and the most amazing homemade coconut syrup that Bishop Tueller's wife made for us. Our ward mentors, brother and sister Allen, were walking around cracking the most hilarious jokes that my cheeks were sore after breakfast. Brother Allen came up to Nichole and I and showed us the apron his grandchildren made for him. It had hand prints of all the kids on the apron except one was a baby foot. He said sadly, "yeah, this little one was born without hands so he had to use his foot..." and as me and nichole were saying "Awwww" together he bursted out laughing and said his was totally kidding.. i almost cried laughing because it was so sick of a joke and was the funniest thing i've ever heard an old man say.
Then after breakfast i went home to make a pumpkin pie while watching That 70's Show. It was the first time i've every had to make a pumpkin pie AND I had to attempt it in a toaster oven. The crust kept burning and the middle never cooked all the way but it sure tasted good. I was making it to take to Brother Sharps house for dinner. Then after the pie Nichole came home from her aunt and uncle's ward and We Skyped my family who was with the Henderson's and Himle's and that was a lot of fun :) here's the picture of the pumpkin pie...dang crust..:
The rest of the Day:
Nichole and I head over to Brother Sharp's house around 3 pm. We get there and there are about 40 people there total at the party. (New Testament professor) Brother Sharp and his family, (Figure drawing professor) Brother Merril and his family, and a variety of kids from Brother Sharp's religion classes. There was Beatles rockband set up, little kids playing in the fron yard and everyone cooking and getting ready in the house. Here is a video of Nichole running around fighting/playing with Brother Sharp and Brother Merril's Kids:
I played Brother Sharp on expert on Beatles Rock Band. We played "While my Guitar Gently Weeps" and he totally whoooped my butt...but i did pretty good for haven't playing in like 2 years. Dinner started at 4 pm and we came in and saw that we all had our names on our plates scattered around the room. The Food was truly amazing! here is a picture of my first helping of food with my name on it :)
After Dinner we watched Brother Sharp do some TRULY amazing magic tricks. This man seriously is magically. He did a trick where he asked Nichole to pick a card and look at it and place it back in the deck and shuffle the deck the whole time. The card was a 2 of clubs and then he asked who was brave and i raised my hand. He then showed me a card case that he opened up and pulled out a card that he called "the death card" It was an ordinary card on the back but the face had a skeleton in a coffin on it. He then put it back in the case and placed it in my hand. He then pulled out some tissue paper and took a lighter and lit it on fire. The flame was so big it scared me and i screamed and dropped it. As it hit the card inside fell out and he told me to pick it up and look at the card...and i picked up the death card..and the the picture...was holding...the 2. of. clubs... freakiest magic trick i have ever my LIFE. So anyways after that we continues with an amazing game of Sharades and then played an extremely intense game of Pictionary. Overall was a marvelous Thanksgiving day.
So friday I slept in mostly but then around noonsih Tiffany, Maria, and I head to mililani for a little bit of black friday shopping. I bought a cute beach dress at a little store called Cookies. We also went to Walmart and tried to race home so Tiffany could make it back for the Basketball game she was cheering at. As always we made a few friends on the bus and made it home in the nick of time and we had Nichole bring Tiffany a bike to the bus stop so she could race home and get ready. We got to the game and it was awesome. Best BYUH game i've seen yet. Brother Ale (our second counselor in 19th ward) made the winning shot in the last second of the game having us beat Alaska by 1 point. It was amazing and I almost lost my voice I was screaming so loud. Then we went home and watched Disney Weddings on TV. So much fun. Here's a picture of Maria and I with our mascot the Gecko (even though we're sea siders) and all of us at the game
woke up and did some laundry and went to the beach for a while with Tiffany. We got there and within the first 20 minutes we were there it completely poured on us!! but we waited it out and then it was beautiful. Then we came home and I watched the Indiana Jones marathon on TV which was a perfect addition to my weekend. Then i finished the day with working on my google sketch-up project and then went to Beth's Bridal shower. Very fun saturday. here is a picture of my finished google sketch up project, its not exactly right because my project had other requirements that went with it but its pretty darn good if i must say.
went to church and got to sing in the choir for sacrament meeting. We sang "My Kindness Shall Not Depart From Thee" and it was simply beautiful. Since no boys ever showed up to practice for choir we've turned our ward choir into a relief society choir :) here is a video of a version of the song we sang in church:
In Nichole's lesson for Gospel Principles we all went around in a circle and talked about how we've seen the lord's hand in our lives this weekend. I of course talked about how a, what i thought was going to be, hard thanksgiving actually turned out to be one of the best weekends i've ever had here in Hawaii. Everywhere I went it felt like family. :) Then later after church I worked more on my Sketchup program with my friend Marcus and then finished the night with a little Once Upon A Time and some Skype :) Obviously you can see that this was a very busy yet amazing weekend and now i'm really upset it is over... :( but only 17 more days until i go home!!! so thats GREAT NEWS!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Just a thought!
Just listening to Jack's Mannequin and rediscovering the song The Lights and Buzz. Totally singing about my life. Too bad i won't be in cali the whole winter but very excited to be in Canada for a few weeks. Can't wait to come home home though. Its a great song. Its actually about how Andrew Mcmahon the lead singer just found out he was cancer free and finally coming home. Love Jack's Mannequin, he's in my top 3 for favorite bands. here are the lyrics:
I'm coming home from my hardest year
I'm making plans not to make plans while I'm here
And this life has been no holiday, a complicated situation
I'm fine with all my memories
Still I could use vacation
It's Christmas in California
And it's hard to ignore that it feels like summer all the time
But I'll take a west coast winter to remove my splinters
It's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
I'm coming home to the lights and buzz
Streets look the same, still nothing's as it was
This place is paradise I'm sure, here's my reservation
I've gotten lost here once before
Inside a good vibration
It's Christmas in California
And it's hard to ignore that it feels like summer all the time
But I'll take a west coast winter to remove my splinters
It's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
And time, time it stops for no one
The seasons come and go and that's just time
Yeah time it stops for no one
The seasons keep on going
Whether or not we're blind
Christmas in California
And it's hard to ignore that it feels like summer all the time
But I'll take a west coast winter to remove my splinters
It's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
I'm coming home from my hardest year
I'm making plans not to make plans while I'm here
And this life has been no holiday, a complicated situation
I'm fine with all my memories
Still I could use vacation
It's Christmas in California
And it's hard to ignore that it feels like summer all the time
But I'll take a west coast winter to remove my splinters
It's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
I'm coming home to the lights and buzz
Streets look the same, still nothing's as it was
This place is paradise I'm sure, here's my reservation
I've gotten lost here once before
Inside a good vibration
It's Christmas in California
And it's hard to ignore that it feels like summer all the time
But I'll take a west coast winter to remove my splinters
It's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
And time, time it stops for no one
The seasons come and go and that's just time
Yeah time it stops for no one
The seasons keep on going
Whether or not we're blind
Christmas in California
And it's hard to ignore that it feels like summer all the time
But I'll take a west coast winter to remove my splinters
It's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
It's good to be alive
Thursday, November 17, 2011
just to catch up with my life a little, i haven't written anything in FOREVER! I about a month ago i entered the art competition and most of you saw it on facebook but this is the painting I entered:
For those of you who do not know what this is it is my interpretation of the Tree of life. With inspiration from the Animal Kingdom Tree, the tree of life experience I had in Big Meadow at Girls camp and the fruit as Korean pears which i tried here in hawaii and i claimed they tasted like the Tree of life fruit. Gave it to my Dad for his birthday for his new office or where ever he wants.
I love my art classes this semester. I am taking figure drawing, ceramics, and an online digital media class. Here are some stuff I have done in those classes. Yes you can laugh at my first pieces. but I have improved a lot!
And lastly I GOT A BIKE! i've wanted one for a while now and just recently I have found a facebook page thats for byuh students to post things that they want to sell. One day I looked at a bike that someone posted and the next day I was picking it up. Here's me that day with my new bike Hank!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Laie Falls
So Saturday morning Nichole, D.J. and I decided to hike up to Laie falls. Its about a two hour hike up behind the temple and i've actually hiked it before but little did we know, it would become the best Saturday ever. Here are some pictures to show you how the hike was. Some of the pictures include the hike, the falls, and some amazing guava we found up by the falls.
we also acquired a couple of coconuts on the way home and after having our landlord cut one open we realized it was a lot smaller than we thought it would be. And we took the guavas home and made DELICIOUS smoothies as we watched Saturday General Conference. Best day ever.
we also acquired a couple of coconuts on the way home and after having our landlord cut one open we realized it was a lot smaller than we thought it would be. And we took the guavas home and made DELICIOUS smoothies as we watched Saturday General Conference. Best day ever.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Dog the Cat
Our neighbors found a cute little kitten and brought it to our house to see if it would get rid of the mice.. Instead we just fell in love with her for the night. Unfortunately she was put outside in the middle of the night because she pooped in the hallway but she was fun for the few ours we had her. We named her dog because she had a short tail and would wag it like a dog before we fed her some turkey. Hopefully we'll see Dog again soon. here's a picture of her and I :)

Friday, September 16, 2011
first week back!
So got my house and moved in sunday night to my amazing adorable house. The living room is wonderful, the bathroom is perfect, and the bedroom is just splendid. The only flaw is that we have a small mouse and cockroach problem..but who doesn't in Laie?
here's a picture of my house. I live in the bottom floor right behind the stairs on the right side. Landlord and her family live upstairs and other girls live on the left side including my friends Molly and Jess :) Glad to know I have great neighbors! Bottom picture is my bedroom. (sorry its a bad picture, i took it from the top bunk of my bed with my phone haha.)
here's a picture of my house. I live in the bottom floor right behind the stairs on the right side. Landlord and her family live upstairs and other girls live on the left side including my friends Molly and Jess :) Glad to know I have great neighbors! Bottom picture is my bedroom. (sorry its a bad picture, i took it from the top bunk of my bed with my phone haha.)
So Nichole and I went to Hukilau beach the next day and brought our snorkle gear and not only did we see/swim with one turtle..but 3 others as well!!! These turtles were very shy so you had to have a quick eye if you wanted to see their heads pop up but we swam near them and some fish around the reef for a good few hours. Then the water got really murky and we were scared of jelly fish and the reef attacking us so we rested on the beach while we watched the sea turtles swim just a few feet from shore. So cool. unfortunately we both forgot our cameras so no pictures...but next time we will!!
My first Cane spider adventure happened in the Ceramics building while Nichole and I were waiting for our Ceramics class to start.. This is not a picture of the cane spider we saw but this gives you an idea. This spider was as big as a softball and was running across the wall and ceiling.. and it creeped down using its web and crawled under the lockers and we never saw it again... officially terrified to go to ceramics again. maybe i take some raid in my back pack.
So i already mentioned our mouse/roach problem so in order to kill them we set up some poison traps.. today we found that they didn't work because we caught a gecko instead.. very very sad we killed the gecko..because guess what geckos eat? roaches..
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
My first post on a blog!
ALOHA!! Sooo, i guess i should start a blog since my life has been so exciting the past year or so. Well i have been going to BYUH for a year now and over the summer did an internship at Disney World and worked in the wonderful Animal Kingdom in glorious Dino Land. But currently I am at home getting ready to go to utah for a week or so and then go back to school in beautiful Hawaii. I will be living with Nichole Henderson and I am SOOOOOOOOO excited! Also my good friends Molly and Jessica will be living literally right next door so thats even more exciting. I heard our ward is amazing and our house is awesome. Thats all i got to say for today but i should start actually writing when i get there and start having adventures. :)
-Jaime <3
-Jaime <3
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