Anyways. We get home and we are starving. So even though its super late and exhausted we run to a close pizza pizza place to stuff our faces before fast Sunday. Group of like 15 girls and our only boy Nate sit down and take our orders of mostly just a lot of pizza and water. Also, here in Europe water is not free :( 1 euro for each jug on the table. So we just got a bunch and split the price between the 15 or so of us. Anyways, another movie reference; totally felt like Liz on Eat Pray Love and I totally was having a relationship with my pizza. I got a Margareta. It was cheap and good :) I ended up folding up the last piece and shoving it in my face. So good. No judging.
Next day we went to sacrament meeting. Had to take the metro which was cool! Got there and they told us the translating radios were stolen or something so we just had to live with Italian sacrament. But when we got there there was a SUPER cute missionary from Cali who talked to us for a while and then for every persons testimony he went up and translated for us right next to the pulpit. Someone who spoke English even went up to bear their testimony and he then translated in Italian for the Italians. So cool haha. He messed up a few times cause he kept having to switch back and forth. So funny.
Then we took a break and went to see some famous churches in town with some extremely famous Italian paintings and we saw the piazzale flamino square and the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish steps. So cool. Also I got to drink out of every fountain I saw. The water is straight from an aquifer so it's safe to drink. Also it's the best tasting water that I've had so far in Europe. It's even better than water in Provo, which isn't really hard to do. Haha then on our way back from the Trevi Fountain me, Caroline, Nate, and Weipoo wanted gelato so we leave our group for 5 seconds to grab some and come out and our group is gone. So first of all, we have gelato, so life isn't really that hard at the moment. But once we wander around trying to find people we then finish our gelato and some back to reality that we are lost. So I have a brilliant plan to show some police officers a picture of the piazzale flamino which is right where our leaders said to meet if we got lost. The tell us 500 meters in a certain direction and we'll find it. So we walk forever and totally find it. No problem. So then we decide if our group isn't there by 715 then we go get more gelato and get on the metro back to our hotel. We totally got all the way through Rome no problem on our own with 4 people who really don't do well with direction and paying attention. Some roman angels were looking out for us toay I think. So fun though. Our group wasn't too worried about us. Haha we're from byu, we're pretty smart cookies. Tomorrow we go back to the Trevi Fountain so I'm gonna take more pictures. And maybe make another wish? Is that allowed? I don't care. It's Rome. Another movie reference, THE LIZZIE MCGUIRE MOVIE!! Give me some Gordo and Ethan Craft and a hot Italian popstar who shows me what dreams are made of and I can die happy.
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