Saturday, September 28, 2013

Where Words Fail, Music Speaks

As I go through my old journals, I notice that I put a heck of a lot of songs lyrics in them. At first I was frustrated because I was like, "dude, why can't I come up with anything myself. Why do I need someone else's song to describe how I'm feeling." But then I thought about it and yeah, maybe I do not have the skill of writing my own songs. I am musical and maybe if I really took the time and effort I could come up with something but there is nothing I love more than when I hear a song on the radio and the words feel like they are talking right to me. I am an artist. I am not so good with words, grammar, spelling, or even thinking. But I do know that I am very good at expressing how I feel in my art, in my decoration, in my organization, in my clothes, and in my way of living. Nothing in the world is original. We take what we learn and come up with ways to express ourselves from things around us. I like to take songs I hear and put them in my journal because that is the only way I can communicate how I feel about anything. I am not much of a feelings person, but I am a musical person. As wonderful Mr. Mac had posted in his choir room, "Where Words Fail, Music Speaks." And I have lived by that since I heard it. Here's a music video that is equally visually and musically artistic and beautiful. Love Regina. She's the best.

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