Anyways, so food is a distraction. Also of course Youtube, Netflix, Hulu, iTunes, Hellogiggles, websites that make rain noises, random strangers blogs, or anything else that isn't learningsuite, studyblue, word, email, and word documents. I have so many tabs open that my computer is kind of freaking out. My hometeachers came over and said the theme of this semesters finals are "don't worry, be happy." but I'm afraid that I am going to take that theme too literally and actually not worry, and be "happy" and then get my grades back and cry. So that better not happen.
Also with the amount of stupid that I've dealt with this semester I feel like I have a get out of jail free card??? Yes?? Anyone? sure.. so thats how I feel right now. Also my D&C class makes me want to give up on humanity, because of how impossible my professor is so as long as I still love the human race I think I'll be ok if I don't do so well on my finals. Anyways. Maybe I should study now? I have a final in 3 hours, and another one in 5 hours.. sooooo yup. I guess I'll get back to studying. maybe..
Here's my theme song for the semester. Love this song. Love the Hunger games soundtrack. Love Sia.
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