Sunday, June 10, 2012

My amazing Nikon

Here are some more pics of what my amazing new Nikon can do. I'm taking a photography class this spring and some of these were assignments and some just for fun. :)

Solar eclipse pictures: My Professor tole me that out of all his professional photographer friends I got the best shot of the eclipse. YES!!!

GNO at Spark the "mocktail bar" (non-alcoholic drinks) 

Fire and fireworks at the Canyon :)

Hiking in the Canyon at Aspen Grove

BYU Baseball game!

 Robin egg at the Riv

Spring is almost OVER??

Soooooo life here in Provo has been seriously amazing. When I first got here I was cold and I was not in the mood to be living in Utah at all. Luckily I have the most amazing roommates ever and my ward is seriously the best YSA ward i've ever been in. Don't like to talk too much so here is life at the Riv this spring in pictures and i'll explain as I go:

These are the cupcakes we made in honor of watching Tanged as roommates after realizing we all had our own copy of the movie. Go us.

So here is me at my friend Chris's house. His little sister showed us the brand new kittens their cat just had...basically I died of happiness

Saw this on the way to school.. oh yeah gotta love mormon graffiti  

painted this with my oil paints one day. Still not all the way done but kinda like the way its looking so far

Ray had a braid phase where she did my hair in this cool 4 stranded braid. So sweet 

So once upon a time Ray and I were at our friend Chris, Travis, and Nicks apartment and they had to leave and they kinda accidentally left us all by ourselves in THEIR apartment...muahahahaha!!! so we did some damage to their oranges:

 best one right here:

 Me and my lovely friend Abbie trying on wedding dresses at the DI

 Abbie being the lovely "Junice" from the SNL Lawrence Welk skit for the Talent show. So great.